CourseWelcome to Create The New Reality! Simple, easy and effective ways to improve your health.
Anxiety Reset
CourseAnxiety can show up mentally, physically or emotionally. Learn how this happens and the steps needed to reprogram it. Follow guided exercise videos teaching you to reconnect your thoughts and feelings back to your body and reprogram your anxiety.
Energy Solution
CourseAre you in need of more energy? Discover the energy draining culprits in your life and how to stop them. Learn to reprogram your thoughts, work with your feelings and clear out clutter to create energy generating patterns and re-energize your life.
Focus Factor! Master Your Mind & Stop Overthinking
CourseOverthinking is a habit. Understand how that habit was created and the steps to change it with Focus Factor! Master Your Mind & Stop Overthinking. This online course breaks down what you need to know to focus your thoughts. Don't overthink it!
Mind-Body Back Pain Reset
CourseDo the physical symptoms of your chronic back pain keep coming back? Address the Mind-Body connection. Learn how this connection works. Understand why your pain pattern is stuck. Reprogram the pattern with new information for different results.
Unlock Your Passion and Ignite Your Life!
CoursePut the passion back in your life and direct it where you want it! Learn what passion is, how it works and why it gets stuck. Discover the steps to get it flowing and fill your life with it.